Dear Students!
We inform you that the anticipated topics for the forthcoming lectures are the following. The time and titles are subject to change.
18. September: Opening lecture, „Brain in Motion”: Functional magnetic resonance imaging. Basics and clinical applications of fMRI.
25. September: Introduction to multimodal imaging. Overview. History of magnetic resonance imaging. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and tractography.
02. October - no lecture
09. October: Imaging the biochemistry of the brain: in vivo MR spectroscopy and clinical applications.
16. October: High field MR imaging and MR microscopy. Computerized visualization techniques.
23. October - no lecture (National Holiday)
30. October: Neurosurgical planning using multimodal imaging. Virtual reality in neurosurgical planning. Image guided therapies.
6. November: Multimodal neuroimaging in nuclear medicine, SPECT-CT, PET-CT. Multimodal imaging in neurooncology.