Multimodal Imaging in Neurosciences

The course gives insight into the possibilities of state-of-the-art neuroimaging and image processing for neurosciences. Recent advances in biomedical imaging will be demonstrated, such as functional MR imaging, diffusion tensor MRI, 3D neurosurgical planning and image-guided therapies. The course is recommended for those who are interested in radiology, neurology, computer science. The course is tutored by Dr. András Jakab, MD, PhD and Dr. Ervin Berényi, MD, PhD.

Elective Course

2012.09.11. 10:12 andrasjakab

Topics and Schedule

Dear Students!

We inform you that the anticipated topics for the forthcoming lectures are the following. The time and titles are subject to change.

18. September: Opening lecture, „Brain in Motion”: Functional magnetic resonance imaging. Basics and clinical applications of fMRI.

25. September: Introduction to multimodal imaging. Overview. History of magnetic resonance imaging. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and tractography.

02. October - no lecture

09. October: Imaging the biochemistry of the brain: in vivo MR spectroscopy and clinical applications.

16. October: High field MR imaging and MR microscopy. Computerized visualization techniques.

23. October - no lecture (National Holiday)

30. October: Neurosurgical planning using multimodal imaging. Virtual reality in neurosurgical planning. Image guided therapies.

6. November: Multimodal neuroimaging in nuclear medicine, SPECT-CT, PET-CT. Multimodal imaging in neurooncology.

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